Manipulation and Corruption

Corruption has become an issue of major political and economic significance in recent years and the necessity to take measures against it has become evident.

Explooring Manipulation ?...ask Mbah Ghus Taf..on the spot

Indonesia 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures base on Act 41 of 2008 and Perpres 72 of 2008

Indonesia 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures base on Act 41 of 2008 and Perpres 72 of 2008

Indonesian Government and The Indonesian House Of Representatives have agreed to sign 2009 budget draft. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono signed Act no. 41 - 2008 about 2009 Indonesia’s 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures (undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 2008 tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Tahun Anggaran 2009) on November 10, 2008.

Total Indonesia revenues are estimated to IDR 985.725.328.522.000,00 (about $85,715,245,958.43) consist of tax revenue (IDR 725.842.970.000.000,00), non tax revenue (IDR 258.943.558.522.000,00), and grant (IDR 938.8
00.000.000,00). In other side, Indonesia need budget for expenses around IDR,00 (about $90,179,768,532.35). This mean Indonesian Government have deficit on budget remains at IDR 51.342.009.600.000,00 (about $4,464,522,573.91).

Wow !! Do Indonesia really need that budget? Let’s see the priority by agency, program and location. Indonesian Government signed President’s Polish no. 72 – 2008 about 2009 Indonesian’s 2009 Detailed State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures (Perpres No.72 Tahun 2008 tentang Rincian Anggaran Belanja Pemerintah Pusat Tahun Anggaran 2009) to implement The Act no.41 – 2008. The President’ Polish no.72 – 2008 signed by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on November 29, 2008.

Reading The President’ Polish no.72 – 2008, we can find that Indonesian Government put priority on education sector (19.27%), infrastructure sector (10.86%), and military (10.45%). If you need too download full page about The Act no.41 of 2008 and President's Polish No. 72 of 2008, you may download pdf version here :

Here the budget allocation by ministry or institute, sort by percent :

62,098,268,498,000 --> 19.27% DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL / Department of National Education
34,987,435,382,000 --> 10.85% DEPARTEMEN PEKERJAAN UMUM / Department of Public Work
33,667,629,267,000 --> 10.45% DEPARTEMEN PERTAHANAN / Department of Defense
26,656,600,559,000 --> 8.27% DEPARTEMEN AGAMA / Department of Religious Affairs
20,273,526,562,000 --> 6.29% DEPARTEMEN KESEHATAN / Department of Health
16,977,783,257,000 --> 5.27% DEPARTEMEN PERHUBUNGAN / Department of Transportation
15,369,624,126,000 --> 4.77% DEPARTEMEN KEUANGAN / Department of Finance
8,702,202,952,000 --> 2.70% DEPARTEMEN DALAM NEGERI / Department of Home Affairs
8,170,774,535,000 --> 2.54% DEPARTEMEN PERTANIAN / Department of Agriculture
6,745,135,328,000 --> 2.09% DEPARTEMEN ENERGI DAN SUMBER DAYA MINERAL / Department of Energy and Mineral esources

5,473,085,231,000 --> 1.70% MAKAMAH AGUNG / Supreme Court
5,221,033,652,000 --> 1.62% DEPARTEMEN LUAR NEGERI / Department of Foreign Affairs
4,391,401,465,000 --> 1.36% DEPARTEMEN HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA / Department of Justice and Human Rights
3,447,593,645,000 --> 1.07% DEPARTEMEN KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN / Department of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs
3,427,220,777,000 --> 1.06% DEPARTEMEN SOSIAL / Department of Social Services
2,858,376,088,000 --> 0.89% BADAN PERTANAHAN NASIONAL / National Land Agency
2,828,110,011,000 --> 0.88% DEPARTEMEN TENAGA KERJA DAN TRANSMIGRASI / Department of Manpower and Transmigration
2,616,925,735,000 --> 0.81% DEPARTEMEN KEHUTANAN / Department of Forestry
2,061,003,107,000 --> 0.64% DEPARTEMEN KOMUNIKASI DAN INFORMATIKA / Department of Communication and Informatics
1,948,375,371,000 --> 0.60% DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT / The Indonesian House Of Representatives
1,911,212,782,000 --> 0.59% KEJAKSAAN AGUNG / ATTORNEY GENERAL
1,762,979,952,000 --> 0.55% DEPARTEMEN PERINDUSTRIAN / Department of Industry
1,725,483,457,000 --> 0.54% BADAN PEMERIKSA KEUANGAN / The Audit Board Of Republic Indonesia
1,706,344,796,000 --> 0.53% BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK / Central Board of Statistic
1,532,907,576,000 --> 0.48% SEKRETARIAT NEGARA / States Secretary
1,302,365,411,000 --> 0.40% DEPARTEMEN PERDAGANGAN / Department of Trade
1,196,004,981,000 --> 0.37% BADAN KOORDINASI KELUARGA BERENCANA NASIONAL / National Family Planning Coordination Board
1,147,729,481,000 --> 0.36% BADAN PENANGANAN LUMPUR SIDOARJO /
1,118,178,526,000 --> 0.35% DEPARTEMEN KEBUDAYAAN DAN PARIWISATA / Department of Culture and Tourism
1,091,835,781,000 --> 0.34% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH TERTINGGAL / State Minister for Acceleration Development Backward Regions
982,851,724,000 --> 0.30% BADAN INTELIJEN NEGARA / The State Intelligence Board
964,158,622,000 --> 0.30% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA PERUMAHAN RAKYAT / State Minister for Public Housing
956,628,259,000 --> 0.30% KOMISI PEMILIHAN UMUM /
858,109,031,000 --> 0.27% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA PEMUDA DAN OLAH RAGA / State Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs
801,119,003,000 --> 0.25% BADAN METEOROLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA / Meteorology and Geophysics Board
749,764,642,000 --> 0.23% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA KOPERASI DAN UKM / State Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises
661,391,699,000 --> 0.21% BADAN PENGAWAS OBAT DAN MAKANAN / National Agency of Drug and Food Control
610,249,823,000 --> 0.19% BADAN PENGAWASAN KEUANGAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN / Audit and Development Supervising Agency
523,037,109,000 --> 0.16% BADAN PENGKAJIAN DAN PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI / Agency for the Assesment and Application Technology
497,916,689,000 --> 0.15% LEMBAGA SANDI NEGARA /
478,624,529,000 --> 0.15% LEMBAGA ILMU PENGETAHUAN INDONESIA / Indonesian Institute of Sciences
462,235,701,000 --> 0.14% DEWAN PERWAKILAN DAERAH /
424,454,454,000 --> 0.13% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA RISET DAN TEKNOLOGI / State Minister for Research and Technology
393,057,379,000 --> 0.12% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA PPN/KEPALA BAPPENAS / State Minister for Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency
382,025,171,000 --> 0.12% BADAN TENAGA NUKLIR NASIONAL / National Nuclear Energy Board
376,815,066,000 --> 0.12% BADAN KOORDINASI PENANAMAN MODAL / Investment Coordinating Board
376,406,744,000 --> 0.12% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA LINGKUNGAN HIDUP / State Minister for the Environment
366,585,393,000 --> 0.11% PERPUSTAKAAN NASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA / National Library of Republic Indonesia
360,067,946,000 --> 0.11% BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN NEGARA / State Employees Board
359,523,097,000 --> 0.11% BADAN KOORDINASI SURVEY DAN PEMETAAN NASIONAL / National Coordination Agency For Surveys and Mapping
337,698,323,000 --> 0.10% MAJELIS PERMUSYAWARATAN RAKYAT / People's Representative Council
324,780,961,000 --> 0.10% BADAN NARKOTIKA NASIONAL /
315,235,856,000 --> 0.10% KOMISI PEMBERANTASAN KORUPSI /
207,444,607,000 --> 0.06% KEMENTERIAN KOORDINATOR BIDANG POLITIK, HUKUM, DAN KEAMANAN / Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs
206,224,864,000 --> 0.06% LEMBAGA PENERBANGAN DAN ANTARIKSA NASIONAL / National Institution of Space and Aeronautics
193,866,196,000 --> 0.06% LEMBAGA ADMINISTRASI NEGARA / National Institute of Administration
193,173,425,000 --> 0.06% MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI /
176,378,744,000 --> 0.05% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA BADAN USAHA MILIK NEGARA / State Minister for State Owned Enterprises
129,068,864,000 --> 0.04% KEMENTERIAN KOORDINATOR BIDANG PEREKONOMIAN / Coordinating Minister for the Economy
128,169,334,000 --> 0.04% LEMBAGA KETAHANAN NASIONAL /
121,753,247,000 --> 0.04% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA PENDAYAGUNAAN APARATUR NEGARA / State Minister for the Empowerment of State Apparatus
116,996,906,000 --> 0.04% KEMENTERIAN NEGARA PEMBERDAYAAN PEREMPUAN / State Minister for Women Empowerment
115,040,639,000 --> 0.04% ARSIP NASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA / National Archives of Republic of Indonesia
113,217,536,000 --> 0.04% PUSAT PELAPORAN DAN ANALISIS TRANSAKSI KEUANGAN / Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports And Analysis Center
99,779,082,000 --> 0.03% KOMISI YUDISIAL /
99,250,224,000 --> 0.03% KEMENTERIAN KOORDINATOR BIDANG KESEJAHTERAAN RAKYAT / Coordinating Minister for People Welfare
74,103,961,000 --> 0.02% BADAN STANDARDISASI NASIONAL / National Standardization Board
55,635,784,000 --> 0.02% BADAN PENGAWAS TENAGA NUKLIR NASIONAL / Nuclear Energy Controlling Board
55,136,144,000 --> 0.02% KOMISI NASIONAL HAK ASASI MANUSIA /
25,566,979,000 --> 0.01% DEWAN KETAHANAN NASIONAL /

Unfortunately, on February 2009, Indonesian's Government state that Indonesia will discuss the 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures (APBN 2009) with The Indonesian House Of Representatives to determine budget deficit and expant more budget for bailout (stimulus fiskal). Sri Mulyani, Ministry of Finance, said that If this draft agreed, it would be signed as APBN-P 2009 (Changed 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures).

If you need too download full page about The Act no.41 of 2008 and President's Polish No. 72 of 2008, you may download pdf version here :

Download Act 41 of 2008 ( Undang-undang No 41 Tahun 2008)

Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 2008
President Polish no. 41 of 2008

about Indonesia 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures

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Indonesia 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures

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Download Perpres 72 Tahun 2008

Peraturan Presiden No. 72 Tahun 2008
President Polish no. 72 of 2008

Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures

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Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures

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Download Perpres 72 Tahun 2008 lampiran 1

Peraturan Presiden No. 72 Tahun 2008 Lampiran 1
President Polish no. 72 of 2008 appendix.1

Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by ministry/institute/board and organization units

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Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by ministry/institute/board and organization units

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Peraturan Presiden No. 72 Tahun 2008 Lampiran 2
President Polish no. 72 of 2008 appendix.2

Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by function, sub-function, program and expenditure types

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Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by function, sub-function, program and expenditure types

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Peraturan Presiden No. 72 Tahun 2008 Lampiran 3
President Polish no. 72 of 2008 appendix.3

Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by programs, activity action, and expenditure types

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Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by programs, activity action, and expenditure types


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Peraturan Presiden No. 72 Tahun 2008 Lampiran 4
President Polish no. 72 of 2008 appendix.4

Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by location and expenditure types.

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Indonesia Detail 2009 State Budget of Revenues and Expenditures classified by location and expenditure types.

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Introduction to Corruption

Introduction to Corruption

Most of us have an idea of what corruption is. But we don’t necessarily share the same idea. That is why we need to ask the question about what corruption is. For example, do you believe giving money to speed up the processing of an application is corruption? Do you think awarding contracts to those who gave large campaign contributions is corruption? Do you think bribing a doctor to ensure your mother gets the medicine she needs is corruption? Do you think using government construction equipment to build an addition on one’s house is corruption?

Corruption is not just the clearly “bad” cases of government officials skimming off money for their own benefit. It includes cases where the systems don’t work well, and ordinary people are left in a bind, needing to give a bribe for the medicine or the licenses they need.

All of the above are examples of public corruption. They all involve the misuse of public office for private gain. In other words, they involve a government official benefiting at the expense of the taxpayer or at the expense of the average person who comes into contact with the government. By contrast, Private corruption is between individuals in the private sector, such as the Mafia extorting money from a local business. This course deals primarily with public corruption.

Public Corruption: The misuse of public office for private gain.

Ask Your Self
Which of the following scenarios are illustrations of public corruption:
• Companies colluding to fix prices in their industries
• Drivers bribing a police officer to avoid speeding tickets
• Political party officials rigging elections
• Companies selling their faulty products
• Children buying illegal narcotics for recreational use

Corruption vs. Gift Giving
Corruption is not only a western concept. In any society, there is a difference between what happens above board and what is under the table, of what is accepted and what causes outrage. Although different societies have their own notions of corruption, here are four questions to help determine what is right:
Transparency: Do I mind if others know or the press reports on what I do?
Accountability: Do I report my actions to others? Do they hold me to standards?
Reciprocity: Would I feel hurt if others did the same thing?
Generalization: Would it harm society if everybody did the same thing?

Gift giving in many village traditions, for example, is not considered corruption as the transaction is transparent and not secret; the scale is modest, not life-changing; the benefits are usually shared with the community, for example the council of elders; and the public rights are not violated.

Ask Your Self
Imagine that you are an official working for the government. What hospitality or gifts should you accept from contractors? Use the four questions listed above to guide you in your decisions.
• Cup of coffee or tea, lunch, dinner for your family
• Theatre tickets, overseas holiday, expenses for your children to study abroad
• Book, scarf, shirt or tie, TV set and video, car, house

Types of Corruption
There are many types of corruption. For most people, bribery probably comes first to mind when they hear the word corruption, but other common types of corruption include nepotism, fraud, and embezzlement.
Bribery: An offer of money or favors to influence a public official.
Nepotism: Favoritism shown by public officials to relatives or close friends.
Fraud: Cheating the government through deceit.
Embezzlement: Stealing money or other government property.

In talking about different types of corruption, an important distinction is between administrative corruption and political corruption.
Administrative Corruption: Corruption that alters the implementation of policies, such as getting a license even if you don’t qualify for it.
Political Corruption: Corruption that influences the formulation of laws, regulations, and policies, such as revoking all licenses, and gaining the sole right to operate the beer or gas monopoly.

Another important distinction is between grand corruption and petty corruption.
Grand Corruption: Corruption involving substantial amounts of money and usually high-level officials.
Petty Corruption: Corruption involving smaller sums and typically more junior officials.

Corruption levels can vary within a country for different types. For example, there may be very little grand corruption in a country with a relatively clean elite, but a large amount of petty corruption in the lower offices of government.

Ask Your Self
In small groups, find four examples of corruption from newspapers or personal experience. Identify the type of corruption involved in each case. In class, present the examples to the whole group. How similar or different are the examples? Post the examples from your class on the WBI course website. How different are the corruption cases across the countries participating in the course? As the course progresses, follow the development of these cases. Later we will come back to the question of what could be done to prevent these corrupt acts.

Costs of Corruption
Eve n if you don’t come into direct contact with corruption, corruption affects you. Corruption reduces the overall wealth in a country since it can discourage businesses from operating in such a corrupt setting.

In countries with high levels of corruption, for example, average income is about three times lower than in less corrupt countries (the difference between, say, Ukraine and the Czech Republic, Indonesia and South Korea, Nicaragua and El Salvador, or Chad and Namibia).

Corruption also reduces the amount of money the government has to pay good workers and purchase supplies, such as books and medicine. It distorts the way the government uses its money, too.

The result is that schools, health clinics, roads, sewer systems, police forces, and many other services that governments provide are worse than they would otherwise be. Because of this, infant mortality rates are also about three times higher and literacy rates are about 25 percentage points lower in high corruption countries than in countries with low to medium levels of corruption.

In addition, corruption is unfair and allows those with money or connections to bend the law or government rules in their favor. They can pay off judges, for example, or dive rt scarce drinking water to their land. For these reasons, corruption harms the environment and undermines trust in government.

Ask Your Self
Look at this picture carefully and answer the following questions.
• Describe what you see in the picture above.
• Would this be a typical scene in your country?
• How could corruption have contributed to the collapse of the highway?

Source: The World Bank

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